2801 S. Valley View Blvd. Suite 5B

Las Vegas, NV 89102 USA

Mon - Fri 8A-5P

Sat - Sun CLOSED

Transportation Related Repairs

Fast repairs on trailers, truck beds, and other transportation-related challenges. Tougher than ever for added durability!

Whether you are hauling produce, livestock, refrigerated goods, or your family, QUICK PATCH is excellent for helping you stay on the road, not in the repair shop.

QUICK PATCH repairs cracks, dents, holes and other challenges fast, cures STRONG and it’s weather and heat resistant!

And because QUICK PATCH is pliable before curing, it repairs even tight corners, crevices and contours.

Simple cut-to-size, then peel and patch!. With the aid of the sun’s natural UV rays in direct or indirect sunlight, a UV lamp or UV flashlight, QUICK PATCH cures hard as fiberglass! Use one patch or layer multiple patches for extra-strength.

Perfect for cargo bays, storage compartments, pull-outs, plumbing, under the hood, on top of the roof or inside the cab or RV. When you need it repaired, you want it done right and FAST! QUICK PATCH is the perfect solution for these types of repairs.

See the expanded list of technical specifications for more examples of proven QUICK PATCH toughness on virtually any surface.