2801 S. Valley View Blvd. Suite 5B

Las Vegas, NV 89102 USA

Mon - Fri 8A-5P

Sat - Sun CLOSED

Auto, Truck & Motorcycle

QUICK PATCH is ideal to have in your toolbox for quick Auto, Truck and Motorcyle repairs. Breaking down can be stressful and derail your entire trip, but with QUICK PATCH you can get back on the road quickly and easily.

Use for exterior repairs, plastic repairs, interior repairs, side mirrors, bumpers and more. Just apply QUICK PATCH to the area to be repaired, let the UV light hit it for 5-10 mins and you’ve got a repair that will get you back on the road.

The high PSI rating also means that QUICK PATCH is perfect for muffler and radiator repairs too. Muffler and radiator repairs are cheap and fast with TPC’s patch. Don’t get stuck out on the road with out QUICK PATCH in your glove box.

QUICK PATCH is oil, chemical, and water resistant. Rot-proof and weatherproof…this little patch is perfect for any auto, truck or motorcycle repair, especially when you’re on the road.